#the book of mormon fan art
kidneylungs · 2 years
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them. don’t ask why it’s valentine themed in july.
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violetspark14 · 11 months
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different flavours of andrew rannells characters
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othystt · 10 months
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so hey umm,mmm mcpriceley amirite
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mcpriceley you ARE right. connor's anatomy is way off bc i drew him upside down and all but i like this enough. i think ill digitalize this sometime. hope you like it!
if you want to request art just go vote for connor mckinley in the woobified poll
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godspellkid · 2 years
Turn It Off - Fan Art Commission
Don’t know if anyone can help, but I am looking to commission an artist for a ‘Turn It Off’ inspired Book of Mormon musical artwork. If you’re an artist who would be interested, or if you can point me in the right direction or someone who might be, please let me know. 
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brothermouse · 6 months
I like making weird Book of Mormon art specifically for the purpose of tagging it as such and confusing the fans of the musical who, like the cowards they are, have never read the actual Book of Mormon.
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moesasaur · 10 months
ALL TBOM ELDERS + all canon information on them
I am making this to help out anyone who is writing fanfics or drawing fan art of The Book Of Mormon and wants to draw the elders accurately or keep them in character. I will involve all lines from each character + their fandom given first name and other small things that indicate their personality or traits. I will also state the animal they brought up in I Am Africa since I believe the animals do reflect their personalities in some way.
Elder Church
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- Elder “James” Church
- Given the name James by the fandom
- OBC actor: Brian Sears
- Comes from Cheyenne, Wyoming
- When he was young his parents were in an abusive relationship, with his alcoholic father abusing him and his mother
- “Okay, okay, HOLD ON! I mean… We COULD… SAY that we had some baptisms” Is the elder that suggests lying about how many baptisms district 9 has achieved
- “We were SO worried about you” Is the first elder that tells Kevin they were SO worried about him when he fell asleep at the bus station
- In I Am Africa he sings “(with) The Noble Lion King”
- In I Am Africa he also sings “A tribal woman who doesn’t wear a bra”
Elder Michaels
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- Elder “Michael” Michaels
- Given the name Mike by the fandom
- OBC actor: Clark Johnsen
- Comes from Provo
Elder Thomas
(I could not find a photo of him, please accept this photo of the actor as an offering)
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- Elder “Chris” Thomas
- Also goes by Elder Poptarts
- Given the name Chris by the fandom
- OBC actor: Scott Barnhardt
- His sister died from cancer and he was unable to say goodbye since he was at the apple store in line for a new iphone. Her last words were “Where is my brother”
- “You, too?! I had the hell dream after I accidentally read a Playboy!” Had his first hell dream after accidentally reading a playboy
- “Well, somebody needs to tell that General Butt-F-ing Named that people should be free to do what they want!” Is the elder that gives Kevin the idea of speaking to the general.
- In I Am Africa he sings “(with) The meerkat”. A lot of the fandom compares him to being like a meerkat
Elder Davis
Same thing, take this photo of him (right) standing next to Andrew Rannells (left)
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- Elder “Robert” David
- Given the name Robert by the fandom
- OBC actor: Jason Michael Snow
- Is the first elder to ask if Elder McKinley is okay when he is panicking about the mission president
- “Elder Cunningham we must always work in PAIRS. Remember?” Is the first elder to complain about Arnold and Kevin arguing before being shut down by Elder McKinley
- “Looks like you fell asleep at the bus station!” (to Kevin after SMHD)
Elder Schrader
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- Elder “Brian” Schrader
- Given the name Brian by the fandom
- OBC actor: Benjamin Schrader
- Please note that he isn’t called Elder Schrader in every performance, he sometimes takes the last name of the actor that plays him since he is named after Benjamin Schrader, his OBC actor
- “Are you an IDIOT?! MORMONS don’t LIE!” could come across as him being outspoken + rude personality wise
- In I Am Africa he sings “With the rhino”
Elder Neeley
Same thing AGAIN. Have a photo him (left) standing next to Jason Michael Snow (right)
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- Elder “Ted” Neeley
- Given the name Ted by the fandom
- OBC actor: Kevin Duda
- “I told a lie once when I was twelve, and I had a dream that I went to hell! It was REALLY SPOOKY.” Had his first hell dream after telling a lie when he was 12
- “Yeah, we have to go home!” “But the mission president said we’re all as far from the Latter-Day Saints as it gets!” Seems to be the elder that wants to go home most after being shunned by the mission president
Elder Zelder
I scoured the internet and found no photos of him at all this is all I got sorry guys
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- Elder “Elder” Zelder
- Given this name by the fandom, frequently referred to as an alien. I assume this is due to him having fewer lines compared to the other elders. People joke that Elder Zelder is his full name
- OBC actor: Justin Botton
- In I Am Africa he sings “(we are) A monkey with a banana”
Here is a photo of the chalk board that lists the pairings of all the elders:
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If you can’t read it,
Elder McKinley + Elder Thomas
Elder Zelder + Elder Michaels
Elder Neeley + Elder Schrader
Elder Church + Elder Davis
also it’s a good example of Elder Schrader’s name changing based on the actor portraying him!!
Thank you for reading my little infodump, I did this mostly for myself but I would be happy to know that other people found this helpful!!
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Northstarstate Intro !!
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Hello Tumblr! I am Noah, also known as the Geographic Collective or Northstarstate on my socials! This is an account I remade bc my previous account on here was deleted a while back by myself. (I’m stupid and don’t know how to read warnings lolol)
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Starting basic, my name is Noah, I’m 16, my pronouns are He/It, I am Trans, Gay, and Angled Aroace, and I also have Autism, ADHD, RC-DID, SZD, DPD, and Tourettes
-My Fandoms-
• The Book of Mormon
• In Trousers/Falsettos
• The Boys in the Band (2020)
• The Prom (2020)
• Bistro Huddy
• Ride The Cyclone
• Hamilton
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This blog is mostly WTTT centric (hence my profile setup)
This is an art blog that I use for basically everything lol
I am an artist, writer, and (kind of) editor
DID sys of 200-500
I’m from Minnesota (proud Viking right here) and I am currently living in Colorado!
My asks are always open and I really enjoy when people send those in so feel free to do so whenever! (/nf)
I am a multishipper so don’t follow if you’re not a fan that kind of content (I AM NOT A PRO/COMSHIPPER)
I also write a bunch of headcanons (and occasionally I share them 😏😝)
@marshie_alien on Discord
@geographic_collective on TikTok
@northstarstate on ArchiveOfOurOwn
@fanfiction_networkk Wattpad
@raspberrygc on YouTube
@raspberrylora on Pinterest
@raspberries_arts on Instagram
u/anxious_and_queer on Reddit
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nancydrewwouldnever · 2 years
Can you please make one of your master post break down from Pumpkingate up until the Disney trip. So much has happened in the past month and I’m just trying to keep up with all of it and trying to separate fact from fiction. It would be nice to see all the facts in order of how it came out.
Oh god, I can try, but I haven't really been writing down dates for this as much as I did for other things. (Because I find Alba completely boring. Like, at least Jenny inspired hatred in me.)
Here's a rough pass. Please comment with things I missed:
Oct. 3, 2022 - Carly follows Alba
Oct. 4, 2022 - Alba suspends her IG account
Oct. 6, 2022 - Jinx ad drops on YouTube
Oct. 12, 2022 - Chris photographed on set of Red One in ATL; works on same set all week
Oct. 13, 2022 - Alba reinstates her IG account; Elsa posts the "pumpkins" up as pfp on her social media [is this also the day the WN trailer dropped?]
Oct. 19, 2022 - Chris IG selfie post from Red One set, ATL
Oct. 23, 2022 - Chris records ASP chat with Tim Storey, ATL
Week before Halloween - The People SMA photoshoot and interview in ATL (we know from Jenn Streicher SM post of trip to ATL)
Oct. 29, 2022 - Tara Halloween party in MA, no Chris (or was there?)
Oct. 31, 2022 - PUMPKINGATE
Nov. 1, 2022 - Guillermo IG stories from studio lot and freeway, ATL
Nov. 3, 2022 - Chris spotted filming on location with The Rock, ATL
Nov. 4, 2022 - On location filming with The Rock, ATL; probably also day "sash skit" for Colbert filmed
Nov. 7, 2022 - IG story post of election resources from ASP, ATL house; Colbert announces SMA
Nov. 8, 2022 - SMA news breaks wide; Chris makes IG post about SMA title (Alba likes); Alba posts IG story from 'Wicked,' NYC
Nov. 9, 2022 - Likes and emoji comments on Alba Mrs Harris portuguese post; Late night IG story from stage of 'Book of Mormon,' NYC
Nov. 10, 2022 - People.com article about dating Alba; NYC PAP WALK
Nov. 11, 2022 - Alba posts IG story of her mom's age, seemingly in response to fandom discussion
Nov. 14, 2022 - ASP chat preview for Iran chat; Chris reposts the People 'PDA' question to IG stories (trolling asshole)
Nov. 18, 2022 - Chris IG stories about tattoo fan art and stars
Nov. 18-20, 2022 - Pics across IG accounts show Alba taking part in yoga teacher certificate classes, teaches class on Nov. 20th
Nov. 21, 2022 - Alba follows two Yonder Yoga ATL teachers on IG, thus letting the fandom know she did the 200-hour certificate program (program ran Sept. 17 - Nov. 20); Alba posts IG story of her yoga teacher certificate
Nov. 22, 24, 25 - Sightings of Chris with fam at WDW Orlando; morning of 25th, video captured with him and Alba at WDW
So, that's what I can remember. I know I'm missing some date when she made an IG post about WN and he liked it.
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mzminola · 2 years
Looking back at the boycotts of Ender’s Game and Twilight during Prop 8, I think the current attitude of “if you participate in even the non-commercial aspects of Harry Potter fandom, you are just as bad as the people giving money to Rowling” is part of the rise in purity culture in fandom over the last decade.
Orson Scott Card gave money directly to the 2008 campaign to ban same-legal-sex marriage in California, despite not being a resident and thus acting against his own self-proclaimed respect for state’s rights, because his homophobia was stronger than his principles.
I don’t remember if Stephenie Meyer gave money directly, but the Mormon church was openly donating and campaigning for it, and she was known at the time to tithe.
So we all said, don’t buy their books, don’t buy tickets to the movies, don’t buy the merch, don’t give those authors money.
While there might have been some pockets of “don’t engage with their works at all!” generally fandom was still considered fine to keep trucking along in. Sure, draw art. Write fic. Make rec lists, character playlists, cosplay. Have your fun, just don’t give the authors any money, be it through direct book sales or through associated royalties.
Now, though? With J.K.Rowling openly giving money to groups harming trans people, openly speaking out against trans rights, we’re once again calling for boycotts...
And the fandom is tearing itself apart, with people insisting any engagement whatsoever hurts trans people. That talking neutrally or positively about the series online, or posting fic, or art, or cosplay, or other fan crafts, is the same as personally acting as a marketing department for Rowling, and therefore is going to get other people to buy works or merch from the franchise.
Or that having HP related graphics or text on your blog, or wearing old merch or cosplay or self-made accessories where other people can see you, is openly signaling to trans people that you don’t care about them. Or even that you are actively against their rights.
This...was not a thing during Prop 8. Fandom was not saying “your Livejournal icon with an Ender’s Game quote is going to funnel money to a hate campaign.” We were not saying “cosplaying Twilight characters signals to all the queer fans that you believe they shouldn’t have the right to marry.”
For good or for ill, fandom has drastically changed.
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vanyaliful · 6 months
hey! im a big book of mormon (musical) fan and its hard to find good fanart, but i stumbled across some of your older posts and just wanted to say theyre probably some of my fav pieces i've found. you probably arent that into it anymore, but just wanted to let you know i think they were really neat. xx !!
omgg thank you so much!!! i am really really touched and I love when people appreciate my old art ahah
I know the feeling of getting into an older fandom and struggling to find good content so i'm happy you liked it! I haven't listened to it in a while indeed but I'm still fond of it, wish i could see it on stage one day.
hope you have an excellent day anon <3
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whatsonmedia · 11 months
Thursday Thrills: Dive into the Summer Festival Extravaganza!
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August has arrived, and the festival frenzy is on fire! From beats that move your soul to moments that make you whole, this month is a symphony of experiences waiting to unfold. Let the rhythm of August lead you to unforgettable adventures, where music, magic, and memories collide in a spectacular dance of life. Step into the spotlight and let the festival season ignite your spirit! Edinburgh Festival 5 - 29 August With over 3,000 shows taking place, there is something for everyone at the Edinburgh Festival 2023. Headline acts include Sir Cliff Richard, TV presenter Gail Porter, film director Ken Loach, comedian Rhod Gilbert, playwright Alistair McDowall, and the musical "The Book of Mormon." There will also be a number of special events taking place, such as the Edinburgh International Book Festival and the Edinburgh Military Tattoo. The festival is a celebration of the arts and culture from all over the world, and it is a great opportunity to see some of the best performers in the world. The lineup is diverse and eclectic, with something to appeal to all tastes. Whether you are a fan of theater, comedy, music, dance, or something else entirely, you are sure to find something to enjoy at the Edinburgh Festival 2023. So what are you waiting for? Book your tickets today and experience the Edinburgh Festival 2023 for yourself! Tickets & More Info>edinburghjazzfestival.com Stowaway Festival 18 – 20 Aug Stowaway Festival, a remarkable independent event, has firmly etched its place on the festival calendar. Elevate your festival camaraderie to new heights at this open-air extravaganza. Unleash your inhibitions, embrace the carefree spirit, and immerse yourself in a boundless realm of fun. Stowaway Festival is the ultimate destination for a grand-scale, all-out celebration. Dive into the beats and rhythms, as top DJs and live music artists set the stage for an electrifying experience. From seasoned ravers to newcomers and even the little ones, everyone can dance beneath the stars until dawn. But that's not all – Stowaway's enchanting concoction includes hidden parties, a serene woodland spa, exhilarating wild swimming and canoeing, moments of wellness and relaxation, and an array of activities for kids. Embark on a journey of discovery, unveiling the secret wonders of Stowaway's realm. With a big line-up to keep you toe-tapping all weekend which includes Crazy P, Dan Shake, David Rodigan, Eats Everything, Soulworks, Nicky Blackmarket, Roy Ayers, Easy Star All-Stars, House Gospel Choir, Irvine Welsh, Jamz Supernova, Joe Goddard, Little Dragon, Todd Edwards, Colleen 'Cosmo' Murphy, Junior Jungle, Balearic Ultras, Ben Virgo, A For Alpha, Harvey Skipper, Jono McCleery, Dr Dubplate, Diego Soundsystem, Alabaster, Llewellyn Brothers, Robots With No Soul and more Tickets & More Info> stowawayfestival.co.uk Notting Hill Carnival 27-28 August The Notting Hill Carnival is back in 2023, and it's going to be bigger and better than ever! With over 2 million people expected to attend, this is the ultimate celebration of Caribbean culture. The lineup for 2023 is still being finalized, but you can expect to see some of the biggest names in Caribbean music, including Machel Montano, Beenie Man, and Spice. There will also be a wide variety of other performers, from steel bands to dancehall artists. In addition to the music, the Notting Hill Carnival is also known for its colorful costumes and vibrant atmosphere. So whether you're looking to dance the day away or just soak up the culture, the Notting Hill Carnival is the place to be in August 2023. Tickets & More Info> nhcarnival.org/ Escape 19 Aug Big brand festival company, Climax Live are going all out to host one of the biggest mash ups in Swansea Wales, this summer.  Taking things up 10 notches, party loving people going to this danceathon can get their groove on to some of the biggest current names in House, Trance, Drum & Bass and more.  It’s a one dayer for the hardcore stayer making the most of every moment.  Think rave to the grave! With expectations to dance to the hotest tunes from the packed dancefloor clubs to the field of dance music dreams.  EDM heaven.  With all the festival paraphernalia making this one raver one stop until ya pop n drop. It’s a time for the great dance music Escape! Expect a line-up of DJ royalty for the marathon rave up. Including Alex Kidd, Ben Hemsley, Born on Road, Bryan Kearney, DJ Isaac, Danny Howard, David Rust, Disrupta, Ellie Cocks, Faze 2, GW Harrison, Gally & Jusice, Ilario Alicante, John O'Callaghan, Judge Jules, Juliet Fox, Kanine, Kings of the Rollers, Layton Giordani, Marco Carola, Marco Faraone, Maria Healy, NOIZU, Nicole Moudaber, Paul Clark, Paul Clark, Paul Woolford, Sander Van Doorn, Shy FX, Wilkinson, Will Atkinson, Will Rees, Zatox Tickets & More Info> escapefestival.co.uk Green Man 17 – 20 Aug Long standing independent festival, returns each year bigger and better in beautiful Welsh surroundings of Breacon Beacons South Wales.  Offering a mixture of arts, music and also includes literature, film and children's entertainment, as well as stalls and organic foods on the 'village green'. It’s such a good festival, its loyal 25,000 festival goers always leave happy yearning for next year.  The festival has sold out Expect live music from bands, solo artists and a mighty selection of DJS including Confidence Man, First Aid Kit, Devo, Spiritualized, Amyl And The Sniffers, Slowdive, The Walkmen, Young Fathers, The Comet Is Coming, Lankum, Snail Mail, Squid, The Delgados, Horace Andy, Daniel Avery (LIVE), Sudan Archives, Obongjaar, Courtney Marie Andrews, Dur-Dur Band, Alabaster Deplume, Beth Orton Tickets & More Info> greenman.net Trentham Live 17 – 20 Aug Trentham gardens in Staffordshire hosts its annual live music events across this weekend in its amazing location.  The line-up for the weekend’s entertainment features sells out tours from some of the UK and Global most favourite bands, well-known singers and legendary DJs whichever night you choose to go. You’ll be met by a crowd of people who are up for a great time with likeminded people. The line-up includes McFly, The Hoosiers, Feeder, Jake Bugg, The Feeling, Chase and Status, Sigma, Kaiser Chiefs, Razorlight, Olly Murs, Natalie Imbruglia Tickets & More Info> trentham.co.uk Beautiful Days 18 – 20 Aug The Levellers' Family Music Festival, orchestrated by DMF Music, stands as an independent labor of love, free from sponsorship or funding. Welcoming all to Devonshire's divine Escot Park in 2023, it offers diverse stages, Site Art, a Children's Area, Healing Village, Walkabout Theatre, family camping, and real ale bars. The coveted lineup includes Suede, Primal Scream, Levellers, Johnny Marr, The Waterboys, Indigo Girls, The Dead South, The Proclaimers, Gaz Coombes, Reef, and Gok Wan. Don't miss this enchanting, sold-out event uniting music, art, and celebration. Tickets & More Info> beautifuldays.org Hospitality In The Woods 19 Aug Returning to magnificent surroundings of Beckenham Place Park London. One of the biggest and best drum n bass DJ line-ups on the UK summer festival calendar.  It’s time to get your best rave on for the supreme d'n'b brand, Hospitality records festival. Promising to deliver big on every aspect. All you have to do is show up in your best happy vibe. Featruing a stellar line-up of d'n'b elite to feast ya dance music feet on this is going to be one very special one-dayer that its festival lovers have been waiting all year for.  Hot on the line-up is Netsky, High Contrast, Camo & Krooked, Ayah Marar, Metrik, London Elektricity, Roni Size, Calibre, LTJ Bukem, Etherwood, Harry Shotta, LTJ Bukem, Sub Zero, Bladerunner, Goddard, Kasra, Disrupta, Bryan Gee, 2Shy, MC GQ, Nu:Tone Tickets & more> hospitalityinthewoods.com Read the full article
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alliluyevas · 2 years
What were your top five books of the year?
Oh, this is hard! I read a lot of really good books this year and also frankly the stuff I read in the last few months of 2021 versus the first months of 2022 run together so I had to look up and see what I actually read for the first time in 2022. This isn't in any particular order:
Joseph Smith and the Mormons: Noah van Sciver
This is a graphic novel that focuses on Joseph Smith's life and death and early Mormonism and I thought it was really successful! It was powerful and sympathetic but also historically accurate (with an extensive bibliography, lmfao). I thought it was really compelling in terms of both the art and inspiring feelings. This is a very cinematic story so the visual method worked very well.
A Knight of The Seven Kingdoms: George RR Martin
I've been an ASOIAF fan for ten years and I never read these! For some reason I just didn't find the sound of them appealing. I kind of wish I'd read them earlier because they're great but it was also really nice to have entirely new (to me) content in this universe!
I Who Have Never Known Men: Jacqueline Harpman
Post-apocalyptic novella about a group of women who are as far as they know the last people left alive in the world narrated by the youngest among them, who starts the story as a child and ends it as the last surviving member of the group. Incredibly beautiful writing, lovely and heartrending meditation on what it means to be human and what it means to be alive.
Women Talking: Miriam Toews
This is about sexual violence in an isolated Mennonite community, focusing on the debate between women from two interconnected families over whether to leave the community or not, narrated by the childhood friend of one of the women who is selected to take notes because none of the women can read or write and he's also the only person they know with experience in the outside world. It's actually really interesting putting it after I Who Have Never Known Men because there's some thematic overlap even though the circumstances are wholly different. Incredibly powerful, really thought provoking, and very unique narrative voice. I'm excited for the upcoming film adaptation :)
The Lonely Polygamist: Brady Udall
This was written in the early 2000s but is set in the 1970s, so it's a really interesting overlap between the historical and the contemporary. Primarily narrated by the rather hapless and pathetic Mormon fundamentalist titular character, with some cross-narration from the youngest of his four wives and his preteen son. I was surprised both by how funny this book was and how poignant it is. It's this really chaotic, sometimes uncomfortable portrayal of a large polygamist family where everyone is rubbing up against each other and somehow still feels alone. Also I think at heart this is a story about grief and loss and mourning (the death of a young daughter years prior to the start of the story but still very much affecting her family, the wife's history of miscarriage and stillbirth, and other death later in the book that I don't want to give away) and it was portrayed very effectively.
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woundmypride · 2 months
hi i'm juice or snore! i don't have a preference for those xey/them nonbinary queer 🤙 this is a sideblog my main/rb blog is @tangledupvideogames smile i'm an artist and a writer but you probably won't see those here. just me being annoying tbh #juice blender - me chatting #juice stirrer - me rambling #creative juices - me art current interests: - ride the cyclone - falsettos - the book of mormon - red dead redemption - overwatch - andrew rannells and christian borle + content they're in (please give recs if you want!!!!) - just musicals in general. please give recs for those as well im always UP! for that DNI: proship comship pedo zoo zionist + hazbin hotel/helluva boss/vivziepop fans. i don't mean to put you guys in the same box as those but don't talk to me
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dankusner · 3 months
Willie’s good ol’ gay boys
Dallas couple inspire Nelson's Valentine's Day salute to queer cowboys
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BOYFRIEND BOND: Tour manager David Anderson, left, and choreographer Darrin Davis are collaborating on the "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)" video shoot that plucked dancers from The Round-Up Saloon.
Willie Nelson never seemed gayer than on Tuesday night at The Round-Up Saloon.
The bar staff wore official Willie drag — bandannas with braided pigtails — as they handed out Willie rolling papers, a promotional item from his 2005 reggae-tinged album, "Countryman."
The evening, titled "Willie's Gay Cowboys Song Coming-Out Party," was also a Valentine's Day celebration.
And although Nelson wasn't at the Round-Up, at 9:30 p.m., the DJ announced that Willie just bought everyone a beer.
Earlier that morning, the country legend released "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)," a single available on the iTunes Music Store.
The Valentine's Day tie-in has a personal connection.
Two years ago, Nelson's tour manager David Anderson, who had previously been married for 15 years, came out to Nelson and his wife.
A life-long Dallas resident, Anderson met Nelson in 1973, when Anderson was an 18-year-old go-getter who booked the country star for outdoor festivals held at a parking lot near Love Field.
They've worked together for more than three decades.
By rolling the single out on Feb. 14, Anderson said they wanted to avoid having anti-gay country fans bash the song simply because of the queer content.
That's why Anderson's coming out to Nelson is being highlighted with the release: If Willie says gay folks are cool, maybe his listeners will think the same.
A year ago, through an on-line service, Anderson met Darrin Davis, a Utah native who moved to Dallas 12 years ago.
With dancing in his blood, Davis, who was raised a Mormon, found an outlet in clogging competitions.
His heart, however, was thirsty for disco beats.
After majoring in musical theater at the University of Utah, Davis eventually migrated to Big D where he works as a stylist at the Perry Anderson Salon.
Davis also freelances as a choreographer and has worked with artists like Kristine W and Deborah Cox when they perform at Dallas nightclubs.
His background in clogging hasn't gone to waste.
Davis is the choreographer for the "Cowboys Are Frequently Secretly" video.
For the past two months, he scouted gay boot-scooters at the Round-Up.
Although still in the rehearsal stages, he's been working with about 30 local dancers who are preparing for a one-day video shoot in mid-March with the finished product to hopefully be ready to hit the airwaves sometime in April.
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On Tuesday, the dancers debuted their boot-scraping routine on the Round-Up dance floor.
Anderson and Davis are already focused on their next collaboration: the Aetheria Foundation.
The first planned event is a fundraising performance to be held at the automobile pavilions in Fair Park on Jan. 27, 2007.
The foundation sets up college scholarships for promising young talent from the Metroplex.
Davis and Anderson's vision is to raise North Texas' artistic consciousness in the fields of dance, acting, visual arts and acting.
As the rest of the record industry resists Internet distribution, it's nifty to see an old-timer like Willie Nelson on the sawy edge of technology.
On Valentine's Day, Nelson rolled out a new single, "Cowboys are Frequently Secretly (Fond of Each Other)." By using the Internet and satellite radio to lure his fan base, the song has already earned significant national attention.
Recorded as part of an exclusive set for Apple's iTunes music store, the song was kept off of Nelson's December release at the singer's insistence.
A tribute to Willie's tour manager, David Anderson, the track compliments Nelson's rendi tion of Bob Dylan's "He Was a Friend of Mine" from the "Brokeback Mountain" soundtrack.
"Cowboys are Frequently Secretly" premiered on Howard Stern's new satellite radio show on Tuesday morning.
A regular guest on Stern's program, Nelson mentioned the tune last year when he was in the middie of the Apple recording session.
Though "Cowboys are Frequently Secretly" hasn't previously earned any headlines, the song is hardly new.
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Penned in 1977 by Lubbock-born songwriter Ned Sublette, the song was previously covered by queercore band Pansy Division on the 1995 album "Pile Up."
In 2004, singer and gubernatorial candidate Kinky Friedman mentioned the song while discussing same-sex marriage with CNN's Paula Zahn, claiming that he and Nelson had discussed recording it in the past.
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kidneylungs · 2 years
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my favorite thing is redrawing mckinely doing this expression and pose on all of my work and then erasing it cause it’s due.
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trash-c4n · 7 years
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I’ve asked a few people to attempt to draw my cosplay pic, so once more people have finished I’ll be posting a collage of them all on here and insta
my insta is @pip_in_cosplay I post lots of Book of mormon cosplay aswell as Hamilton and South Park 
I’m Elder McKinley 
 @senseifoureyes is Elder Price
 @reminds-me-of-a-puzzle is Elder Cunningham
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